There are some similarities in parties and cakes. Every little piece is delicious but its the whole that makes your eyes pop out and makes your mouth water. And this time there is a massive icing on the cake.
With great pleasure we announce what you – and us as well – have been waiting for: Narciss is back in town! Alongside with our dear friend Upper90 they lead the line for our next round at Uebel & Gefährlich. To make this cake even more delicious the line up will be completed by many more friends and residents.
So gather your friends around you just like those little cherries in top of every piece and dance in unison. But before: Check this amazing line up:
Line Up:
Cargo b2b Jacky Ickx
L.A.tifa b2b Aux Romantic
We are happy to host the night and welcome you to the party and promise to not throw cakes at you like Steve Aoki would. And also play other music which might be even more important.
Wear what you want, be nice to other and yourself and look after each other.
🔞 Einlass ab 18+ Jahren / Admission from 18
🎟 Einlass unter Vorbehalt / No guaranteed admission.
📵 Striktes Foto Verbot / No photo policy.
🙌 Sollte es zu Moshpit Situationen kommen, denkt dran auf die Anderen zu achten und euch gegenseitig aufzuhelfen, sollte jemand hinfallen. / In case of a mosh pit situation, remember to watch out for others and help each other up if someone falls down.
🅰️ Bitte beachtet unsere Awarenessaushänge „Respect each other” und helft mit, das Uebel & Gefährlich zum safer space zu machen. Unter Team ist sensibilisiert für Vorfälle. Wendet Euch jederzeit an sie. / Please take note of our awareness posters „Respect each other“ and help to make the Uebel & Gefährlich a safer space. The team is sensitised to incidents. Please contact them at any time.
🚾 In unserem Club gibt es zwei verschiedene Toiletten. Eine „Flinta*” Toilette (für Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen*) und eine „All Gender” Toilette für alle Geschlechter. / There are two different toilets in our club. A „Flinta*“ toilet (for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people*) and an „All Gender“ toilet for all genders.
🚭 Rauchen ist ausschließlich im ausgewiesenen Raucherbereich erlaubt. / Smoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area