“We want to create music that feels like how we feel at our best,” says Aaron Röbig, one half of warehouse techno duo FJAAK. Releasing their 2017 self-titled debut under Berlin’s Monkeytown Records before forming their own label, Spandau20, the school friends specialise in a rush of industrial synths and ground-trembling basslines. Support Your Scene, the pair’s EP series, dedicates pulsating techno (and proceeds from their sales) to international venues FJAAK have played at, including fabric, Bassiani and and BASEMENT.
Anna Z b2b J Manuel
Laundry Service
🔞 Einlass ab 18+ Jahren / Admission from 18+
🎟 Einlass unter Vorbehalt / No guaranteed admission.
📵 Striktes Foto Verbot / No photo policy.
🅰️ Bitte beachtet unsere Awarenessaushänge „Respect each other” und helft mit, das Uebel & Gefährlich zum safer space zu machen. Unser Team ist sensibilisiert für Vorfälle. Wendet Euch jederzeit an sie. / Please take note of our awareness posters „Respect each other“ and help to make the Uebel & Gefährlich a safer space. Our team is sensitised to incidents. Please contact them at any time.
🚾 In unserem Club gibt es zwei verschiedene Toiletten. Eine „Flinta*” Toilette (für Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen*) und eine „All Gender” Toilette für alle Geschlechter. / There are two different toilets in our club. A „Flinta*“ toilet (for women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people*) and an „All Gender“ toilet for all genders.
🚭 Rauchen ist ausschließlich im ausgewiesenen Raucherbereich erlaubt. / Smoking is only allowed in the designated smoking area.